GDQ Board of Directors

The GDQ International Christian School Board understands its primary purpose as ensuring that GDQ achieves the stated ends on behalf of the clients, and avoids unacceptable actions and situations.

The philosophy of governance includes governing with:

  1. Integrity in all methods and practices
  2. Broad Body of Christ vision rather than internal preoccupation
  3. Strategic leadership more than administrative detail
  4. A clear distinction of Board and Director roles
  5. Respect for diversity of opinion in the decision making process
  6. Collective rather than individual decisions (speaking with one voice)
  7. A future rather than past or present orientation, and
  8. Proactivity rather than reactivity.

The Board is composed of two legally appointed representatives from Christar and Global Mission Pioneers. In addition to these organization, other board members are appointed by the board. The Director is a non-voting member of the board.

Though the members of the board come from a variety of backgrounds and professional experiences, they are bound together by their commitment to God, the school, and a wider commitment to excellence in Christian education.

Board of Directors Composition

Member at Large | Mrs. Ornela Pica, Executive Director at AEP

Christar | Mrs. Julee Schoch, Balkans Woman’s Ministry Director 

Member at Large | Dr. Terry Jantzi, Senior Evaluation Specialist at Konterra Group

TeachBeyond | Ms. Jessica Weaver, Europe Regional Vice President

Member at Large | Mr. Jeff Barrett, Executive Director at LinkAcross Albania

Global Mission Pioneers | Unfilled

GDQ Executive Director | Ms. Lori Neuman

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