GDQ Student Dress Code

Students in grades 9-12

GDQ wants to foster a learning environment that builds up students in their relationship with God. As such, we recognize the way we dress impacts our relationship with God and with each other. We affirm that each individual is responsible to God for his/her actions, but we also recognize we should avoid behaviors that would cause others to sin (Romans 14:12-13). In light of this, the Bible makes it clear that GOd expects us to dress modestly and to show off not our body but a life submitted to God (Proverbs 11:22, 1 Timothy 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:3-4). We are accountable to God not only for our actions but also for our thoughts (Matthew 5:27 – 28).

We acknowledge that standards of modest dress can vary greatly based on individual and cultural values. GDQ will not attempt to define a universal standard of modest dress, but as a diverse community, we ask students and staff to abide by the following guidelines to create consistency in our school environment. This means that members of the GDQ community will need to be thoughtful about what they wear to school and ensure that they have clothing that follows these guidelines. If students cannot find clothing that meets these requirements, they may ask a staff member for help in finding a solution.

Student Guidelines

  • Shirts/blouses should be loose fitting and not reveal undergarments or cleavage and fully cover your stomach.
  • Shorts should have at least a 10-cm inseam.
  • Dresses and skirts should be longer than at least 2 cm above the knee if worn without leggings underneath.
  • Clothing above the knee should not have holes, rips or slits if worn without leggings underneath.
  • Hats may be worn outside of classrooms. Students are not allowed to wear hats during chapels. Inside classrooms this is only allowed at teacher discretion and if it does not obstruct the student’s face or cause a distraction.
  • Clothing should not have holes, be ripped or be torn.
  • Clothing with pictures or words should have appropriate messages/language.
  • Outside of spirit days, students should not wear pajamas, sleepwear or costumes.
  • On a beach or pool trip, students wearing a bikini should wear a shirt on top when out of the water.

PE Uniform

Every student is required to have a uniform to participate in the PE classes. If a student does not have a PE uniform on a PE day, they will need to check out a spare uniform and serve a lunch detention for not being prepared for class.

Students in grades K-8

General Guidelines

Students’ clothing should be clean, well-maintained, decent and appropriate for the school day.

  • Shirts and t-shirts should be full-length. Shirts do not need to be tucked in but should be long enough so flesh is not exposed when wearing low-waisted trousers.
  • If wearing dresses or skirts, girls must wear shorts or leggings underneath. Mini-skirts are not appropriate for school.
  • Shorts should be long enough that a student’s finger tips, when arms are fully extended, touch the bottom of the short hem. Bike shorts/spandex are not to be worn.
  • Cut-off jeans, faded jeans, or jeans with fashion holes are not acceptable.
  • Under clothing should not be visible, and clothing should not be skin tight.
  • Hats, including baseball caps, are not to be worn in the building. They may be worn outside. Hoods should be down when inside the school building.

PE Kit

To ensure safe participation during PE class, please be aware of the following items:

  • PE shirt
    • K-2: Burgundy PE shirt with the GDQ logo (may be purchased from GDQ) should be worn on K-2 PE days.
    • Grades 3-8: White GDQ PE shirt (may be purchased from GDQ).
  • Footwear – Students must wear tennis shoes/trainers. Students who come to PE lessons without the correct footwear for PE will not be able to participate.
  • Leg wear is dependent on weather – shorts when hot, track suit / jogging bottoms when cold. K-2 should wear dark, solid color legwear.
  • Water – Children must bring a bottle of water with them to the PE lesson. This is especially critical during the warmer months of the school year.
  • Long hair must be tied back for all PE lessons.
  • Jewellery (e.g. earrings, necklaces, watches) must be removed for PE lessons.

Changing for PE classes

  • Grades K-2:
    • Students in grades K-2 will wear their burgundy PE shirt and athletic legwear. They will wear this as school uniform on PE days. They will not change for PE lessons.
  • Grades 3-8
    • Students need to bring their PE uniform (GDQ PE shirt and legwear) to school. THey will have time at the start and end of their PE lesson to change. Should PE be the first period of the day, students may wear their PE uniform (GDQ PE shirt and legwear) to school, but must bring their regular school uniform with them. Students will change into regular school uniform (GDQ shirt and trousers/pants) following PE class.

Safety Guidelines

  • Girls wearing earrings should wear simple stud or sleeper earrings. Dangly jewelry (long necklaces, bracelets, etc.) should not be worn at any time.
  • Shoes should be appropriate for the school building and outdoor activities. Sandals and Crocs may be worn, but they must have back straps. Flip flops are not appropriate for school.
  • Students in grades K-5 must have long hair tied back and off the face at all times. Long hair is defined as hair that is shoulder length or longer, long fringes (bangs) and/ or any hair that falls forward when a student is working / writing. Students in grades 6-8 must have long hair tied back and off the face for all science, PE and art classes.

K8 Uniform Days

Monday – Thursday are designated uniform days.

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